Monthly Musing ~ Blossoming

We have a large Horse Chestnut tree in our front yard.  I love it.  Every spring I watch from my bedroom window to see the first little cluster of green leaves emerge from the winter bare branches.  The next day I check again to see that first leaf bud now in the company of hundreds of other leaf buds and by the end of about five days the whole tree is covered in large, fresh green, five fingered leaves.

The Horse Chestnut blossoms so quickly.  Sometimes it seems like we humans do too (although when you are in the midst of puberty it certainly doesn't feel that way!)  My daughter is seven years old but it feels like such a short time ago that I was carrying her in my tummy.  In another seven speedy years she will be 14 years old, blossoming into womanhood and I look forward to that with some trepidation ~ I'm sure all you other moms (and dads) can relate!

I started to develop at quite a young age.  I can absolutely, distinctly remember getting my first training bras.  I was 10 and can clearly picture standing in my bedroom at our old house, facing the window, bed to my right and chest of drawers to my left.  My mom in front of me helping me to try them on.  One white and one grey bra in plain cotton knit.  I remember feeling pretty pleased and rather grown-up.

I don't know but I assume there wasn't much choice back then in training bras.  I think we have a bit better selection now in the shops although I see a lot of them in bright colours and patterns which would appeal to me if I was pre-teen but I had a friend point out that her child's school uniform rules state that no undergarments are to show through the white blouses so that would narrow down their choices.

Currently, my daughter isn't all that pleased to receive clothing that I've hand made for her.  She has rather definite opinions on what she wants to wear and I don't hold out hope of that mind-set changing when she hits pre-teens!  I can't see training bra sewing in my future.  Perhaps the solution is to finally teach my daughter how to sew; she can make her own and then her choices in training bras will be limitless! 

Tell me, do you have a clear memory of your first bra?

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1 comment

Oh yes! I definitely did not need a bra but when I got to high school I wanted one to “fit in” with the crowd. So a knit bralette it was and I felt so grown up 😉


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