Monthly Musing ~ Coffee table chats

Once a week, three close friends and I get together for an after school 'coffee group.'  We sit around chatting, eating the afternoon tea that we intended for the children, (honest!) who are much too busy playing to stop for refreshments.  We talk about anything and everything, laugh a lot (and moan a little) and the day I told them that I was taking over ownership of an online lingerie supplies shop prompted a lengthy discussion on our underwear habits.

Just a little something I whipped up for coffee group whilst planning my next lingerie make.

Photo by Jamie Hipchen on Unsplash

Strangely enough this was a topic we hadn't covered before and between the four of us there were differences and similarities.

Friend A stated that she only ever wears sports bras as that is what she finds most comfortable - she is a yoga instructor however, and soft bras are part of their functional attire.  Friend B added that she also mostly wears sports bras although they have to have underwires - quote 'to keep my ta-ta's under control.'

Friend C has just finished nursing her third child and confessed to having over 40 gorgeous, designer bras in her wardrobe (bought pre-children), none of which get worn anymore since she also now favours practicality and comfort and besides, 'body shapes change after childbirth.'

We all laughed while Friend B, a natural storyteller, acted out how she feels when wearing lace against her skin, adding it's just not polite to be furiously scratching at your crotch while out in public, trying to convince everyone it's 'just my undies' and nothing more sinister.

This led the three of them to unanimously agree that there is nothing better than a budget three pack of plain cotton briefs.

And we all agreed that we have yet to find a g-string/thong that makes for enjoyable, daylong wearing.  These are only donned on special occasions, if the outfit absolutely dictates it or for a minimal time period for the amusement of our beloved other halves.

The other half of Friend B suggested that he'd finance a shopping trip if she were to go out and choose some matching sets of lingerie.  To which she replied, 'Mine do match!  Well, they are roughly in the same colour family anyway.'

Friend A added to this that her bra and briefs always match because she only has either black or white.

My friends are all non-sewists.  So I'm left wondering, is it because I can sew my own bras that I have quite different underwear wearing habits than my friends?  Sewing my own means that I can have underwired bras that are so comfortable it's like wearing nothing because I've been able to fit them all perfectly to me.  My underwear can be absolutely any colour or combination of colours that I like (and I do like colour!) because I'm not limited by what is on the shelf and in my size.  I can create bras and briefs out of lace without the worry of itchy, public shame because I can choose the materials to ensure softness and comfort.  And making matching sets is easy because a beautiful pair of matching briefs can be made for a fraction of the cost of bought ones and can be much more personalised than a plastic wrapped, three pack.

matching lace bra and briefs

A bra made from lace leftover from an Evie la Luve panties kit, comfortable, soft and value for money.

Sewing is absolutely liberating.  Don't you agree?!

Except for the g-string/thongs.  I'm totally with my friends on that one.  It's made me think that finding the perfect g-string would be a good sewing challenge though, so hit me up if you have any recommended patterns.  I'll trial a few.  Perhaps I can even make multiples and get my friends to weigh in with their opinions too.   

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Comfortable g-string – challenge…accepted? I’ll totally be your guinea pig 😁


I love your latest undies set, Helen. Gorgeous colours.

Sheila Boyes

If you make multiples can I join your coffee group. Actually, I’d be keen just for the cake. And company too of course ;)


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