Monthly Musing ~ Make all the things!
I'm sitting at my computer collating entries from my final 'one year anniversary celebration' competition and I'm enjoying reading everyone's entry comments. We are a crafty bunch!
The competition required you to answer, 'What craft have you not yet tried but would love to have a go at?' The list was almost endless! Shoe-making was a top one (and very much on my list too - hello Shoe School!) Embroidery and crochet were other popular choices and then a few unexpected ones came up such as, quilling and glass blowing. There is such a vast collection of crafts you can turn your hand to as a maker.
Crochet Hippo I made for my BFF's baby shower gift
I've always dabbled in lots of crafts. My personal Instagram (@helencloke) tagline is 'random outpourings of constant creativity.' I would have been a pre-teen when my mom taught me how to use a sewing machine and how to knit and crochet. There are very, very few finished projects from this era as I had big ideas and little stamina! Other things I taught myself from library books (oh, the days before YouTube); I was in to paper crafts for a while and did quilling and book binding and my love of sketching was always there in the background.
Woven wall hanging - I enjoy the free-form of weaving
More recently I've learnt upholstery, weaving and have created woven wall art, joined a local embroidery guild and illustrated a children's book.
Halfway through my first piece of Hardanger embriodery
My biggest craft hobby will always be sewing though. I got in to it seriously when my parents gifted me a sewing machine for my 27th birthday (11 years ago now!) and I have sewn almost every day since. Isn't it wonderful that a thoughtfully chosen birthday present could spawn so much; a mostly handmade wardrobe, the opportunity to connect with new friends, a business/work that I love and just the sheer joy of creating something with my hands.
Some early-ish sewing - dresses for my daughter (left) and niece.
I know I'm never going to stop expressing myself through new creative endeavours and from reading the competition comments many of the entrants feel the same. I'll run out of time before I run out of new crafts to try!
How about you? Are you a multi crafter? Is there one craft that wins out over all the others for you?
1 comment
Oh the joy and excitement of starting a totally new craft! Can’t beat it can you? Shoe school is top of my wish list too 😉